Peewee HL Evaluations, News, (U13) LL#1, U12/13, 2019-2020 (Welland Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2019-2020 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 15, 2019 | DonW | 590 views
Peewee HL Evaluations
Welcome to the 2019-2020 hockey season!

I contacted all player for evaluation days by phone (or message left) . If you did not receive this, please contact me at [email protected].

The house league season begins on Saturday September 21st.

The Peewee division consists of 2 age groups, those players born in 2008 (minor) and 2007 (major).

When you arrive for evaluations, please check your child in at the front table. Your child should bring a jersey with them (preferably with their name on it)  that the should wear throughout the evaluations.

In order to ensure the teams are fair and balanced evenly, the first few ice times will be used for player evaluations. Each selected team will have a mix of minor and major players.

All parents need to complete the form on our website for Rowan’s Law before season starts  -

We are possibly looking for another goalie.  Equipment has been donated for those that may wish to try this position.  Please contact me if you are interested and we will set you up. 

Saturday Sept 21 Main Arena 9:00am - 10:00am - MAJORS

Saturday Sept 21 Main Arena 10:10am - 11:10 pm - MINORS

Sunday Sept 22 Main Arena 7:30am - 8:30am – MINORS

The following week will have the same ice times.  How we use it still to be determined.

Please mark your calendars for November 9 & 10 when Rogers Hometown Hockey comes to Welland! This free event will have lots to do and will get to showcase this great city we call home and the players (past and present) of Welland Minor Hockey. More details will follow in the coming weeks!

Looking forward to a great season, see you at the rink!

Don Wood

WMHA Peewee House League Director

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