OMHA Announcment, News (Welland Minor Hockey)

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Mar 13, 2020 | Bmarr | 1059 views
OMHA Announcment
We have just received notice from the OMHA, OHF, and Hockey Canada that the 2019/2020 season will be considered complete.  I sincerely hope that all players had a great year up to recent events, and we look forward to starting work on next season as an Executive Board.  Any further details will be reported as soon as I receive them.  All planned hockey events including any remaining play off games, tournaments, our partnership vote, AGM, Contact clinic and Coaching clinic for April 4/5th.  The OMHA will update us on the status of spring tryouts when they know if we can proceed. 


Bill Marr

Mike Knapp Ford
607 Niagara Street Welland ON L3C 1L8 905-732-3673